Digital Production Example Library

A library of digital assets - 3D scenes, digital cinema footage, etc. - that demonstrate the scale and complexity of modern feature film production, including computer graphics, visual effects and animation. Curated by the Academy Software Foundation, these assets are available free of charge to researchers and developers of both open source and commercial projects, to test, demonstrate, and inspire their ideas. See our license template. You can find us on Slack at #assets, or on our mailing list.


New Assets

New from Intel, an indoor-outdoor 3D scene with challenging ray tracing scenarios. And for you non-linear editing fans, Animal Logic has provided the full edit list and media clips for the ALab promotional trailer. Links below!

Other Assets

Here is a short list of computer graphics assets available elsewhere.


AWS Airship Asset

A complete animatable airship asset, with rig, geometry, textures, and surfacing, represented in Maya. The airship is featured in the short film Spanner, created by AWS’s in-house production team FuzzyPixel.

Animal Logic ALab - USD Production Scene

A full production scene with over 300 assets and two characters, with looping animation in the first open-sourced USD scene and shot context from a studio. Supplied as three separate downloads: the full production scene, high-quality textures, and baked procedural fur and fabric for the animated characters. For more information, visit the Animal Logic ALab website.

AWS Picchu Edit

Picchu is a short film created using Amazon Nimble Studio that follows the journey of an Andean girl named Mayu propelled by the unconditional support of her mother. The original DaVinci Resolve project, source media, and OpenTimelineIO assets are available for download.

4004 Moore Lane - USD Scene from Intel®

A USD scene of a house with interior furnishings and exterior landscape, built to demonstrate typical problem areas for ray tracing renderers, such as narrow openings and recessed light sources.

Animal Logic ALab - Trailer

Edit list with full media clips and audio, provided natively for both Avid and OTIO, for the ALab promotional trailer.

Intel® Volumetric Cloud Library

A collection of 30 VDB cloud assets, including both dense and sparse clouds, at resolutions ranging from quite small (< 1 MB) to quite large (> 8 GB).

AWS Noa Character

A complete animatable main character, with rig, geometry, textures, and hair groom, represented in Maya. Noa is the hero of the short film Spanner, created by AWS’s in-house production team FuzzyPixel.

ASC StEM2 - Standard Evaluation Material 2

A short film designed to be used as both reference material and stress testing for color pipelines, image processing, and projection systems. Supplied in a range of image formats including high dynamic range (HDR), high resolution, and wide color gamut. For more information, visit the ASC StEM2 website.